Just like you are required to pay taxes, if you own a car in New Jersey, you are required to have your car inspected every two years. Soon, however, some vehicle categories will be exempt from inspections. You probably comply with this requirement so the police will not issue you a ticket. You may comply grudgingly, wondering why you’re required to have your car inspected biannually. Read on to learn some of the reasons New Jersey state inspections are required. You may not approach your next vehicle inspection with enthusiasm, but perhaps you will no longer resent the idea.
History of the Vehicle Inspections in the United States
Massachusetts implemented the first vehicle inspection in 1926. The next year, New York and Maryland joined them in implementing similar “Save a Life” campaigns based around voluntary vehicle inspections. In 1929, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Delaware became the first states to require periodic inspections by officially licensed providers.
In 1937, the National Conservation Society and American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators oversaw creation of a uniform vehicle inspection manual. In 1966, congress enacted the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Act and Highway Safety Act. The next year, an agency that eventually would become the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) was created and the first Secretary of Transportation named. Part of NHTSA’s mandate is to require states to require periodic vehicle inspections.
Why the NJ State Inspection Focuses on Emissions Testing
In 2010, New Jersey removed the safety component of its inspection program and replaced the focus of its vehicle testing program completely to reducing hazardous emissions, including carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons (nitrogen oxides plus sunlight equal ground ozone also known as smog). The goal of a car emissions test is to detect problems that are causing vehicles to release excess emissions so owners can have them repaired. The end result is cleaner air and fewer health issues for all, especially those susceptible to breathing-related disorders. Additionally, many scientists believe hazardous emissions exacerbate global warming, which has an array of damaging side effects. If your car fails an emissions test, you’ll need to have it repaired by a licensed facility and retested until it passes.
Because vehicle emissions testing is so beneficial to improving air quality, the federal government rewards New Jersey monetarily each year for requiring residents to have their vehicles inspected. That money is used to fund improvements that benefit all New Jersey motorists.
Compliance Need Not Be Inconvenient
Complying with New Jersey’s vehicle inspection requirements doesn’t have to be difficult or inconvenient. Simply head to DeBoer’s Auto Service and Sales. OurSussex County auto repair shop conducts inspections and is qualified to handle all of your car maintenance and repair needs. Why not schedule your next inspection to coincide with your next tune up? We’ll take care of it all, quickly, professionally and courteously. Contact us online or call 855-781-0592 to schedule an appointment.