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(973)529-836083 State Route 23 NorthHamburg, NJ 07419

Garlic/Rosemary Roast Pork Loin w/Bone

One bone in chop per person

Salt & Pepper both sides and End cuts to taste, Generously sprinkle Granulated Garlic powder and 1 tsp rosemary (dried) for 4 chops or ½ tsp fresh rosemary chopped

Transfer roast to roasting pan Fat side up, bones down

Roast in Preheated 275* Oven for 4 hours*

Remove from oven, Let sit for 20 minutes

beef 2

Wild Rice - Uncle Ben's Boxed Rice is pretty tasty. Follow Package Directions. and for a little extra flavor, add 1 Tbs Honey per ½ box, mix in when rice is done with fork.

Balsamic Roasted Veggies -

Rough Cut Fresh Carrots, Cauliflower, Zucchini, Yellow Squash                                                  Blanch cauliflower, carrots in boiling water for 5-6 minutes.

Grandmother and her family looking happy at home

This can be done beforehand: In a mixing bowl add 2 Tsp balsamic vinegar for each 4 oz (¼ cup ) of veggies and 1 tsp fresh chopped garlic for every ¾ cup veggies, slowly add twice as much olive oil to vinegar ( ie. 4 Tsp oil to 2 Tsp vinegar) while briskly whisking until mixture thickens. Toss Veggies in mix, salt & Pepper to taste. Light dash of basil  - Roast at 450* for 20 Minutes

Pan Gravy: After removing roast from pan, add ¼ cup water and 1 Tbs Johnny's Au Jus Dipping Sauce Scrape Pan while boiling, Thicken with flour & water. No Salt or Pepper needed.

Happy Mom’s Day!

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Tim Kelly from H & H Auto Parts Auto Parts is one of our top notch delivery guy's. He always deliver's our parts with a smile and a laugh. He definitely brightens our day!

Bill DeBoer

Written by Bill DeBoer

William J. DeBoer (Bill Jr.) is Co-owner and Vice President at DeBoer’s Auto. As the company’s General Manager, Bill has been responsible for bringing innovations in daily operations to the full-service, high-tech auto repair facility for 20+ years. Passionate about computers from an early age, Bill’s interest in technology gravitated to cars while he was in college. By obtaining a Certificate in Automotive Technology followed by a B.S. in Business Management from Penn State, Bill was able to fuse his interests into a car technology specialization and join the family business shortly thereafter.