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(973)529-836083 State Route 23 NorthHamburg, NJ 07419
2 min read

A New Battery Makes Your Car More Reliable In The Winter

By Bill DeBoer on Nov 9, 2021 11:45:00 AM

Not many things are worse than getting into your vehicle and finding out that it won’t start. Most of the time this is because your battery is dead or very weak, which means you’ll have to jump-start it to get you where you need to go. While we all want our car battery to last as long as possible, the truth is it can get weak quickly and unexpectedly to the point where it needs to be replaced. 

Topics: DeBoer's Auto TechNet DieHard Battery
1 min read

TechNet DieHard Battery Special

By Bill DeBoer on Nov 5, 2020 11:45:00 AM

Starting the winter with a battery that is not performing at its peak level can set you up for some unfortunate situations. Installing a Gold, Platinum or Platinum AGM DieHard Battery now can save you headaches later.

Topics: TechNet DieHard Battery