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2 min read

Grilled Chicken Tacos topped with Watermelon Salsa

By Heidi Robertson on Jul 20, 2021 11:45:00 AM

It's the heat of the summer and who doesn't enjoy some tasty watermelon?  Seriously, watermelon is not just for the kids, it's great for us kids at heart. So when you've grabbed the smallest one you can find at the grocery store and it could still feed a small country, you'll have a plan ready for some of that delicious sweetness.

Watermelon Salsa Ingredients:
4 c watermelon diced
2 shallots diced fine
2 Jalapeno peppers diced fine
1/2 red onion diced fine
1 yellow pepper diced fine
1 t sugar
The juice of 1 lime
cilantro to taste salt and pepper to taste
Topics: Honey Lime Chicken Tacos with Watermelon Salsa