Your car is almost certainly one of your biggest investments. It's in your best interest to do whatever you can to keep it running reliably as long as possible. One way you can do that is to be diligent about taking it into a trusted repair shop for preventive maintenance services, including oil changes. You may not realize that even something as routine as your oil change in Sussex County, NJ, can and should come with a guarantee.
Why It Is Imperative to Have Your Oil Replaced Every 3,000 Miles
It’s important to insist on a quality brand of motor oil and a skilled technician to replace your car’s old oil with fresh oil. It’s even more important to make sure you have this service performed regularly. Simply put, oil minimizes friction and friction damages engine components. A main cause of friction is contaminants that circulate through the engine in oil. When you have your oil replaced, built-up contaminants are removed. Fresh oil has no friction-causing debris. It’s as simple as that. Research shows replacing your oil every three thousand miles prevents engine damage. Are you willing to risk engine damage that will cost hundreds or thousands of dollars to repair because you procrastinated on scheduling an inexpensive oil change?
Oils and Oil-Change Providers Are Definitely Not Created Equally
If you’re like most motorists, you know it’s important to have your car’s oil changed regularly, although you may not know exactly how regularly. You also probably assume one brand of oil is just as good as the next. If you assume that, you are doing yourself a huge disservice. First, be aware using the wrong oil can harm your car. Before you succumb to deceptive marketing practices and drive into one of those quick-lube franchises that offer oil changes at ridiculously low prices, remember this: You get what you pay for. Sure, you may save a few dollars by taking advantage of “specials” and lower-end oils. When that lower-end oil fails to perform and causes engine trouble, will you be glad you saved a few dollars when you are presented with a repair bill for hundreds or thousands of dollars?
Why Insist on a Valvoline Oil Change
The good news? When you insist on a quality provider and a quality product, you will be well on your way to preventing costly repair bills. When you pay a minimal amount more for a quality Valvoline oil change in Sussex, you will receive a free, no-hassle engine life guarantee! That’s right. When you have your oil changed by a participating Valvoline oil change center, you are eligible for tiered engine-life mileage guarantees up to a 300,000-mile guarantee. Specifically, if your car’s odometer reads 125,000 or fewer miles you can enjoy the following Valvoline engine guarantees.
- To receive a 150,000-mile guarantee, request Valvoline Premium Conventional or NextGen Conventional oil.
- To receive a 225,000-mile guarantee, request Valvoline MaxLife, synthetic blend oils (ideal for stop-and-go trips).
- To receive a 300,000-mile guarantee, request Valvoline Full-synthetic high-mileage oil with MaxLife technology (heat, deposits, and wear and tear are no match for these state-of-the-art oil formulas).
Are you due for an oil change? Don’t delay. Contact us at DeBoer’s Automotive for a quality, guaranteed Valvoline oil change.