<img height="1" width="1" alt="" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=547912885342136&amp;ev=PixelInitialized"> Putting a plan in place and having essential emergency items in your vehicle can ease the stress of a breakdown. Download emergency item checklist now.
(973)529-836083 State Route 23 NorthHamburg, NJ 07419

We’d all like to think that there’s a little girl/boy scout within us, and what’s the first thing we’re taught?? Be Prepared. Emergencies can strike at any time, and it's crucial to be ready for them, particularly when you've become stranded in your vehicle. Here in the NorthEast, we get to experience all seasons and all weather and each comes with its own set of challenges. It’s always helpful when you have a plan and there are some items that you should always have in your vehicle, regardless of the temperatures.

Stressed man waiting assistance after a car breakdown at the side of the road

We have compiled a list of essential items to keep on hand, such as jumper cables, a fully charged cell phone, vehicle documentation, and an emergency kit just for starters. You’ll find the full downloadable list here and with these items readily available, you can minimize the stress of an emergency and increase your safety. Additionally, it's important to know basic maintenance and emergency procedures for your vehicle.

To simplify the process of putting together your roadside emergency kit, we've developed a comprehensive checklist containing all the necessary items. Click the button below to download the full checklist and take the first step in being prepared for any emergency.

Download Emergency Checklist

Remember, preparedness can save you time, money, and even your life. So, gather your kit today!

To further prepare for the upcoming change of season, schedule your pre-winter inspection by contacting us today and head into the holidays with one less thing to worry about. 



Tina Ormond

Written by Tina Ormond

Tina Ormond is a highly experienced Store Manager in the automotive industry with over 15 years of experience. She brings a unique blend of innovation and expertise to her role. Drawing from her background in Social Science, Tina seamlessly integrates her love for people into effectively guiding daily operations. From coordinating customer support teams to managing back-of-the-house operations, Tina ensures excellence in repairs and technical support while prioritizing customer satisfaction. With a deep understanding of automotive intricacies cultivated in dealership environments, Tina's blogs offer valuable insights and solutions for enthusiasts and professionals alike.