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With Halloween just around the corner, everyone is in a frenzy to find the perfect pumpkin, put together an amazing costume, and make sure they have enough candy for all the trick-or-treaters. If you're planning on hosting a Halloween party, here's a fantastic board idea that's not only easy to assemble but also has a healthy (well, kind of) theme. My friend and I came up with the ingredients and had a blast creating our friend Jack. We really hope you have a great time and enjoy this spooky treat. If you give it a try or have any other ideas for the upcoming holidays, please let us know!


Carrot sticks or baby carrots
Dried apricots
Mandarins or oranges
Orange bell peppers
Cucumber, for the pumpkin stem
Cheddar cheese
Cheez-its or other orange cheese crackers
Cheese puffs
Black grapes
Black olives
Pumpkin creme sandwich cookies
Candy corn
Other orange Halloween candy (Starburst, or jelly beans)

To make a fun Halloween snack, first, grab a 20-inch round serving platter or cutting board. Using three triangular cookie cutters, place them where the eyes and nose of a pumpkin would be. Then, place grapes along the bottom area to form a smile. Inside the cookie cutters, add blackberries to create the nose and eyes. Keep the cookie cutters in place until the surrounding snacks can help hold the shape.

Start adding orange foods, beginning with sliced cheddar cheese and layering it down the middle of the board. Place Cheez-Its beside the cheddar slices, followed by caramel corn to the right. Layer baby carrots horizontally on the left of the cheese crackers and place orange bell pepper slices to the right of the caramel corn. Add pumpkin cookies to the left of the carrots.
halloween kid
Repeat this process with the remaining orange foods until the jack-o'-lantern is filled to the edges. Use cucumber slices to create the stem of the pumpkin by arranging them over the handle of the board. Once the board is full, the pumpkin should take its shape and is ready for snacking! 

If you enjoyed making this or have a fun-themed snack- board you'd like to submit. Click below to share your recipe. 

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P.S. I had a hard time getting the board full due to me snitching the ingredients. 😎


Heidi Robertson

Written by Heidi Robertson