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(973)529-836083 State Route 23 NorthHamburg, NJ 07419
2 min read


By Tina Ormond on Oct 4, 2023 8:14:50 PM

Car Care October 2023

It's important to take good care of your car all year round, but certain times of the year are incredibly important. As we enter the winter months, October brings National Car Care Awareness Month, dedicated to reminding drivers about the significance of maintaining their vehicles. To assist you in keeping your car in optimal condition, we have compiled a comprehensive list of essential car care tips that you can download for free.

Regularly inspecting your car can provide peace of mind and ensure your safety on the road during the fall and winter seasons. At DeBoer's Auto, we are committed to helping you with this. Our expert ASE-certified technicians will conduct a thorough inspection of your vehicle, identifying any existing or potential issues that require attention. We believe in giving you the power to decide when and how to address these concerns. Your safety during the upcoming holiday season is our top priority, so don't hesitate to contact us today and schedule an appointment.



By prioritizing car care and staying ahead of any maintenance needs, you can avoid unexpected breakdowns and enjoy worry-free journeys. National Car Care Awareness Month serves as a timely reminder to give your car the attention it deserves. Download our free car care tips now and let us assist you in ensuring a smooth and safe driving experience this winter. 

As always we are here for you to help you live life uninterrupted. Contact us any time and we will be happy to assist you with all of your vehicles needs. 

Tina Ormond

Written by Tina Ormond

Tina Ormond is a highly experienced Store Manager in the automotive industry with over 15 years of experience. She brings a unique blend of innovation and expertise to her role. Drawing from her background in Social Science, Tina seamlessly integrates her love for people into effectively guiding daily operations. From coordinating customer support teams to managing back-of-the-house operations, Tina ensures excellence in repairs and technical support while prioritizing customer satisfaction. With a deep understanding of automotive intricacies cultivated in dealership environments, Tina's blogs offer valuable insights and solutions for enthusiasts and professionals alike.