You should always take care of your vehicle year-round to keep it in safe driving condition. However, certain times of the year are more important than others depending on driving conditions, how often you’ll be traveling, and other factors. April is National Car Care Awareness Month, and we will be providing you with tips on how to care for your vehicle throughout the month. But first, we want to talk about why April was chosen and what you can do to make your vehicle as safe as possible to drive.
Why April Is National Car Care Awareness Month
April is designated as National Car Care Awareness Month because it signifies the end of the winter season and the beginning of spring. You might not have traveled as much during the winter, so getting a tune-up is important to ensure your vehicle is safe to operate. This year might be more important than ever to get your vehicle in great shape during the month of April. You might not have traveled as much last year due to the pandemic, which means you may have skipped important maintenance checks since those weren’t at the forefront of your mind. This April is the perfect time to catch up on those maintenance checks and get your vehicle in the best possible shape.
Vehicles Have Been Put Through A Lot This Winter
This winter has brought a lot of extreme weather that has taken a toll on vehicles. Cars take more abuse than you think when considering the salt brine on the road, spinning wheels on ice, and other factors. Getting a detailed inspection of your car can give you some peace of mind knowing your vehicle is safe to drive this spring and summer, and you can get any issues addressed at that time.
Prepare Your Vehicle For A Safe Spring And Summer
Whether it’s getting a fresh oil change or replacing worn tires, get your vehicle fixed up now so you’re ready to go for the summer. Nothing derails a fun road trip like a roadside breakdown, and being proactive now can lower the chances of that happening. Driving with confidence is important to keep your family safe as you take your many adventures this spring and summer. Don’t wait until an issue comes up to get it fixed. Be proactive during National Car Care Awareness Month and you’ll be set for the spring and summer road trips.
DeBoer’s Auto will be dropping tips and tricks all month long during National Car Care Awareness Month. We want you to have safe travels this summer since you might not have gotten to enjoy them as much last year because of the pandemic. When you bring your vehicle to our shop, we will provide a thorough inspection and point out anything that might be problematic now or in the future. At that point, you can decide what you want to fix now or postpone. We are here to help in any way we can, so contact us today to schedule an appointment.