You would think it would be quite simple to get a really good picture of your finances and insurance options in today's world. Resources are limitless, every website has a solution for you, and every ad claims that they are there for you. You would think that with all these resources at your fingertips, it would be easy.
When you start to dig into financial topics, they can be extremely confusing and the details, options,; and legal mumbo-jumbo are overwhelming.
Having someone, a real-life person, who has spent their entire career learning and growing, and helping people answer their questions to guide them to what it is that they really want is like having an angel by your side.
Do you actually know what you really want? Do you know what you need? Having that someone who will work with you, ask you the questions (ones you wouldn't have even thought of), and inform you of how and why different options might be beneficial to you is priceless.
Luckily, we'd like to introduce you to this very talented, knowledgeable individual who's spent decades helping people through their insurance needs and financial planning. Tony Cucinotta is an expert at helping people identify and reach their goals in financial planning and guiding them through insurance needs and processes.
Tony was raised in Tenafly, NJ, and after his high school graduation, attended Villanova University. He jumped into his career in finance and for five years he worked in a bank in NYC. He quickly discovered that he loved to meet new people, and that helping them was instinctual to him.
A friend that saw how passionate Tony is about helping people introduced him to a new opportunity. The suggested the insurance industry. Tony realized that he could help people reach their goals and dreams while building a business for himself.
He moved his family from Bergen county to Sussex county in 1987. He and his wife raised their children in Wantage and have been active in the community for decades. He thoroughly enjoys his life in Sussex county. The beautiful surroundings and friendly people have made it a wonderful place where he enjoys his work and family life.
Tony's knowledge of finance, coupled with his expertise in insurance, makes him a bit of a unicorn. He has all the skills and resources you could want and need at his fingertips. This makes him the perfect person to help you map out things such as:
Financial Aspects
Financial planning
Understanding of wealth
Removing Worry from your financial world
Life Insurance
Health Insurance
Disability Insurance
Financial planning
Understanding of wealth
Removing worry from your financial world
One important topic that he has been able to help his clients with most recently is guiding them through the steps and process and informing them about the insurance assistance that they might be eligible for in New Jersey.
Programs such as Get Covered NJ have been particularly helpful to clients experiencing costly insurance options such as Cobra. This program is designed to assist NJ residents and can be an attractive option to those who don't have a large income, who have families with children, who are elderly, and who are students that are over the age of 26 and no longer can qualify for healthcare coverage on their parents' policies.
In 2021 New Jersey became its own state-based marketplace. This change has helped New Jerseans get assistance and individuals that meet certain income guidelines can find the resources they need to get insurance coverage offered through the state. It can also be beneficial for those who are self-employed such as contractors and small business owners.
Get Covered New Jersey is located in New Jersey and is staffed by NJ residents who understand firsthand the laws of the state they live in, and more importantly are dedicated to helping others who live here. Resource links are right below:
Call: (888) 699-7380
Tony has an arsenal of knowledge about this and so many other programs. Be it financial or insurance-related, you can be certain he can help you!
Anthony Cucinotta, MBA
Strategies for Wealth
Strategies 4 Wealth
28 Trinity Street
PO Box 249
Newton, NJ 07860
Tel: 973-300-0820
Fax: 973-300-5560
120 Broadway, 37th floor
New York, NY 10271
Tel. 212-701-7900