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(973)529-836083 State Route 23 NorthHamburg, NJ 07419

Decades ago, small businesses were the lifeblood of cities and towns around the world. By the time of the industrial revolution, however, many small businesses went the way of the horse and buggy. Fortunately, the tide is changing, and consumers seem to be gaining a new appreciation for the value of small businesses and the need to shop locally to help them stay afloat.


Why Small Businesses Rule

Buying from locally-owned small business establishments is akin to investing in your community. Small business supports your local economy by employing locals, as well as purchasing supplies and spending their profits in town. Consider sponsorships, for example. Who’s more likely to sponsor a local Little League team, Walmart or Bill’s Sporting Goods?

Additionally, small businesses add character and charm to a community, which increases tourism from near and far. A city full of mass merchants and national or global franchises looks identical to any other city. Mom-and-pop shops and businesses started by enterprising locals are a welcome departure from the generic sameness of the chains and franchises that have taken over the world. American Express realized this in 2010 when it launched Small Business Saturday to encourage people to “buy local” on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Since then, the idea has gained momentum and more people are making an effort to patronize local establishments. Last year, Twitter furthered the cause in a huge way by donating a million dollars in free advertising to small businesses ($100 for the first 10,000 to apply). Recipients used the ad credits to publicize their businesses or Twitter accounts.

How Search Engines and Social Media Support Small Business

The resurgence of buying local is helping small business grow in profit and popularity. However, to fully get the most out of this shift in thinking, small businesses should take a close look at their marketing strategies. Here are three ways small businesses can do their part to keep the momentum going.

  • Invest in Content Marketing. Businesses that take time to educate their customers by having a website and updating it often with articles, blog posts, case studies and photos remind people, “We’re your neighbor! We’re here! Stop and shop!”
  • Take to Social Media. Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter are valuable ways to get your message across, promote your business and inform the public about sales, events and promotions.
  • Ask Customers to Spread the Word. It’s valuable for a business to post social media updates, but invaluable for satisfied customers to spread the word through their social media accounts. Ask customers to “like” your business and post praise.


A Great Year Ahead for Small Businesses

According to the folks at Gallup, more than a quarter of small business owners surveyed said they planned to hire more people in 2015. Nearly three quarters predicted their finances for the year would be “very good” or “somewhat good.” Will small businesses ever rule the world again? That remains to be seen, but they should certainly not be ruled out!

If you’re interested in investing in Sussex County, trust your car buying and car care needs to family-owned and -operated DeBoer’s Auto Sales & Service. We live here, work here, play here and volunteer here. Our shop is an independent small business that provides unparalleled quality and personalized service. Need a new car or repair shop? Contact us!

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Bill DeBoer

Written by Bill DeBoer

William J. DeBoer is the Visionary at DeBoer’s Auto. As the company’s CEO, Bill has been responsible for bringing innovations in daily operations to the full-service, high-tech auto repair facility for 20+ years. Passionate about computers from an early age, Bill’s interest in technology gravitated to cars while he was in college. By obtaining a Certificate in Automotive Technology followed by a B.S. in Business Management from Penn State, Bill was able to fuse his interests into a car technology specialization and join the family business shortly thereafter.