At DeBoer’s Auto, we focus a lot of attention on the safety triangle to educate our customers and inform them of why it’s important. There are three parts to the safety triangle and part one is the tires. People often take their tires for granted and simply air them up when they are low on air. There’s a little more you should do with them, though, to keep them properly maintained and safe to drive on. Here’s what you need to know and do with your tires regularly.
Always Ensure Tires Are Properly Inflated
The next time you have your car parked in your driveway, take a look at how much of the tire is touching the ground. Under normal circumstances, a very small part of the tire is touching the ground and it’s equivalent to about the size of your hand. When you think about it, that’s all that’s connecting you and thousands of pounds from your vehicle to the road. Properly inflating the tires is critical since it impacts the handling of the vehicle and can minimize wear and tear on the tire.
Rotate Tires To Extend Their Lifespan
Rotating your tires is important to get the best wear out of them. If you neglect to rotate your tires, you might have to replace them much earlier than you should since they become too worn on one side. Not to mention your ride might not be as smooth either and it could seem like your vehicle has alignment issues if the problem gets bad enough.
Take Care Of Your Tires For A Safer Ride
You might not notice your worn tires when the weather conditions are ideal outside, but you will notice them when it’s wet or cold outside. Driving on worn tires in these conditions can be very dangerous and preventable through proper tire maintenance. Of course, there will come a time when you simply need to replace your tires, but your mechanic can let you know when they get to that point.
DeBoer’s Auto wants to keep you as safe as possible when driving on the road. Your tires are a critical part of the safety of your vehicle. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment to have your tires checked, contact us at any time. And be sure to check out part two of our three-part series on the safety triangle, which discusses your brakes.