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You may have heard it said, or even said it yourself — Saab is an endangered species. Whichever model you own, Saab is — and has always been — a unique part of automobile history. We’re doing all we can to keep your iconic car on the road for many years to come. To this end, we’re introducing Parts for Life, a Lifetime Warranty on all Saab Original Parts installed by a Saab Official Service Center. That’s right, to extend your Saab’s life as long as possible, the parts are now warrantied for life!
Although Saab as an automotive brand has ceased to exist, the journey is not over. We all have a role to play as the caretakers and champions of the Saab legacy. So we’ve created a campaign to educate people about the importance of conservation, preservation and diversity, not only of cars, but of all things we share on this planet. And that includes those on a similar journey — endangered animals. For every Saab Original Part sold, we’ll make a donation to ensure the future of endangered animals.
To learn more, visit www.PartsForLife.com
At DeBoer's Auto, we continue to champion the Saab legacy and do our part to keep your car on the road.