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(973)529-836083 State Route 23 NorthHamburg, NJ 07419
2 min read

Why we employ ASE Certified technicians

By Bill DeBoer Jr on Apr 1, 2020 10:25:35 AM

Topics: ASE


What's the big deal about ASE you might be thinking. Well the big deal is that it stands for Automotive Standards of Excellence. This means setting the bar for our quality exceptionally high. It's the creme de la creme of automotive technicians. It's a promise to our customers that every technician that touches their vehicle is dedicated to being the best. What's pretty cool about this certification is that it is not a requirement to become to be doing work on your vehicle. One that continues to strive and grow.


ASE certification is an independent 3rd party confirmation that our technicians

possess the knowledge of the necessary skill and best practices to be successful

at their job.


ASE certification confirms that our technicians are constantly keeping up with the technology on your vehicle.

ASE verifies that our technicians are capable of reasoning through complex problems. 

ASE certification brings consistency to the level of service at our shop.

Voluntary ASE certification demonstrates that our shop takes the extra steps to ensure quality service, sett us apart from our competitors.  

We so much believe in this as a best practice that each of us are certified. Bill received his Gold seal for 25 years of ASE excellence this past summer, Josh and Corey are both certified and Colleen has her certification as well.ASE 25years_2989 - Edited (1) (1)New Call-to-action




Bill DeBoer Jr

Written by Bill DeBoer Jr