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Oil changes are essential for your vehicle no matter the make and model. It’s best to get on a regular maintenance schedule with your vehicle so you get your oil changed when it needs to. Waiting too long to get it changed can put unnecessary stress on certain components of your vehicle and lead to other issues later on. You also need to know which oil grade to put in your vehicle to make the most of it. Here are some tips to consider in this regard.

Ask About The Viscosity Of The Oil

Whether you’re changing the oil by yourself or taking it to a mechanic, always check on the viscosity of the oil being put in. You can check this against what is recommended in your owner’s manual to ensure the proper oil is getting put in your vehicle. The viscosity refers to the weight of the oil and is referred to as 0-20, 5-20, 5-30 blend, or others. You also need to know whether your vehicle requires conventional oil or if full synthetic is required. 

Is The Mechanic Using API Licensed Oil?

Be sure you're using the right oil for your car.Oil can get into unregulated territories sometimes to the point where you might not know exactly what you are putting into your engine. In New Jersey recently, a bad batch of oil was provided to the state, and it went overlooked because of a lack of oversight on regulations. The situation was covered in-depth by the news and the bad oil ultimately got tracked down and sent out of the state. You always want to make sure the mechanic is using API licensed oil so you know you’re putting the right oil in your vehicle.

Always Get A Receipt For Your Oil Change

Confirming the brand, viscosity, and performance of the oil before it goes into your vehicle is important. And when the oil change has been completed, always ask for a receipt so you have a record of the type of oil that went into your vehicle. If you would ever have a warranty claim to make, you’ll need proof that you put the right type of oil in your vehicle so you won’t be on the hook for any repair fees.


Download Your Oil Change Checklist

Book Your Appointment After Your Most Recent Oil Change

Keeping on a regular oil change schedule is just as important as selecting the right oil grade for your vehicle. When you come to DeBoer’s Auto, we can put you on a schedule that’s easy for you so you can stay on top of your vehicle maintenance. We are ready to help you in any way we can, so contact us today to book your next oil change appointment.


Bill DeBoer

Written by Bill DeBoer

William J. DeBoer is the Visionary at DeBoer’s Auto. As the company’s CEO, Bill has been responsible for bringing innovations in daily operations to the full-service, high-tech auto repair facility for 20+ years. Passionate about computers from an early age, Bill’s interest in technology gravitated to cars while he was in college. By obtaining a Certificate in Automotive Technology followed by a B.S. in Business Management from Penn State, Bill was able to fuse his interests into a car technology specialization and join the family business shortly thereafter.