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How To Keep Elderly Loved Ones Safe In The Car

By Bill DeBoer Jr on Jun 16, 2022 3:14:00 PM

Topics: DeBoer's Auto

One thing we often take for granted is our ability to drive. As we get older, we might not be able to drive as effortlessly as we once did for many reasons. Always check on your elderly loved ones to ensure they can drive safely without endangering themselves or others. The good news is there are several ways to help keep your elderly loved ones safe, including mobility devices and visiting a Driving Rehabilitation Specialist. Here’s what you need to know about these options.

Mobility Devices To Help Elderly Drivers

As people develop mobility challenges, those challenges can potentially be overcome with devices. Hand controls and foot controls can be installed to help the driver be safe in the vehicle. And while these devices are great and help a lot of people, you need to know if they are right for you or your loved one. That’s where a Driving Rehabilitation Specialist enters the picture. 

Check-In With A Driving Rehabilitation Specialist

ELDERLY MAN DRIVERWhen you work with a Driving Rehabilitation Specialist, they will put your elderly loved one through a series of tests to determine what their strengths and limitations are when driving. And most importantly, they will evaluate how the limitations can be overcome with various devices or other forms of assistance. They can also determine whether the person is not fit for driving a vehicle anymore.

How To Get Started With Keeping Your Elderly Loved One Safe In The Vehicle

There are several Driving Rehabilitation Specialists you can visit depending on where you live. The closest ones to DeBoer’s Auto are a little bit of a drive away and are located in Edison and West Orange. However, if you have a loved one who is struggling with driving or if you want to get some answers on whether they should be driving at all, then it is worth the trip. At the very least, you will get some answers and hopefully, you will end up getting solutions to keep everyone safe on the road. 

Driver Rehabilitation Specialists

DeBoer’s Auto wants to help keep the roads as safe as possible and we do so in many different ways. From maintenance to service and even making recommendations about modifications to vehicles for people with mobility challenges, we are here to help. We understand it’s never an easy conversation to have with an elderly loved one about their driving capabilities, but it’s an important one to have. If you need any tips or advice in this regard, don’t hesitate to contact us at any time and we will be happy to assist in any way we can.


Bill DeBoer Jr

Written by Bill DeBoer Jr