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(973)529-836083 State Route 23 NorthHamburg, NJ 07419
3 min read

Help us help Benny's Bodega!

By Bill DeBoer on Mar 18, 2023 7:37:59 AM

together we can help

DONATING your Vehicle-What You Should Know


Benny's Bodega donation program is a 501(c)(3) vehicle donation program. The car donation program offers a simple alternative to selling or trading in your unwanted vehicle. In return for your donation, you receive the maximum possible tax deduction. Best of all, your donation helps this organization to provide assistance to the working poor and their families.

  • You have NO costs.
  • Free pick-up, running or not.
  • We take care of all the additional paperwork.
  • We issue you with an IRS tax receipt for your records.
  • We'll pick up your donation when it's most convenient

Call Benny's at 973-531-7582


About Benny's Mission

Benny's  Mission is simple… We are “People helping people”- The Bodega operates with no government funding, our doors stay open and our shelves are stocked from donations given by our supporters!

Set up like a store, the Bodega offers hard-working people who are struggling, a place to “shop” for basic needs items free of charge. Our target population is the A.L.I.C.E (Asset limited, income constrained, employed) population, the people working hard but not making enough to get by, while simultaneously making too much to receive any government assistance.

Government programs are essential to functioning and are a needed resource in any community, however, Benny’s Bodega seeks to offer an alternative solution to the ongoing issue of families not having their basic needs met. The concept behind the Bodega was to not only be a support for struggling families but also bring the community together.   If we, as families and as a community, can donate essential supplies and support one another, then not only are we teaching our youth about empathy, we are building each other up and strengthening our own community.   Simply, our goal – ensure families have their essential needs met, while fostering a positive message to our youth and bring our community together. 

Benny’s Bodega is comprised of community members and a stable of volunteers, that work collaboratively to operate our Bodega and keep it functioning 4 days a week.  Our hours are designed to help those who are employed or who may have a different weekly schedule.  Our “hand-up” philosophy removes the stigma attached to receiving free services and our name itself suggests one is purely “shopping” for their everyday household products.  As we continue to grow and build partnerships in the community, it is our hope we are able to expand into other counties and establish Bodegas in every community. 

Bill DeBoer

Written by Bill DeBoer

William J. DeBoer (Bill Jr.) is Co-owner and Vice President at DeBoer’s Auto. As the company’s General Manager, Bill has been responsible for bringing innovations in daily operations to the full-service, high-tech auto repair facility for 20+ years. Passionate about computers from an early age, Bill’s interest in technology gravitated to cars while he was in college. By obtaining a Certificate in Automotive Technology followed by a B.S. in Business Management from Penn State, Bill was able to fuse his interests into a car technology specialization and join the family business shortly thereafter.