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(973)529-836083 State Route 23 NorthHamburg, NJ 07419


Hi Everyone!!!!

Time has gone by so fast since we last caught up!  It's hard to believe that Winter has officially started and that the Christmas holiday has already passed!  Now that 2018 is almost upon us, I'm looking forward to a new year and what sort of fun it will bring!!!!  As you may already know, I enjoy the snow greatly and have not been disgruntled (like my parents have been) over the small storms we have had so far in the season.  It's always fun to play ball, but a little snow added to the mix can make things even more fun.  I recently got in a trip to the Wantage Dog Park when it was snow covered and I really had so much fun with my friends.  


Please just keep in mind as we face frigid temperatures during the rest of this week and over the first week of the new year that even the thickest of fur "birthday suits" are not sufficient protection for the outside elements over extended periods of time.  As much as I have hated to be cooped up so much more lately, my Mom and Dad have still been limiting my time outside to shorter periods this week.  Mom has my jacket all ready for my walk later today.  I absolutely loathe the jacket but I will admit that it helps to protect me when the wind is so bitterly cold.

Santa must have thought that I was a pretty good boy this year (he apparently doesn't hold the occasional bout of mischief against anyone) because I found some really great and fun things left for me under the tree on Christmas morning.  The very best present I got though came a little later this week.  My Mom did my food shopping at Amy's Animals this week and aside from the great and healthy food I always score from Amy's store, Mom picked me up a Jolly Ball.  At first glance, a person may think that a toy that big is too much for a dog my size, but my Mom knows me so well.  I particularly love a challenge and I get really rowdy about a ball I can't get my teeth all the way around.  Sure enough, I have had some very "jolly" good times playing with this new addition to my collection of outside balls.


'Tis the season of lots of traditions and for most of us, those traditions include good food.  Mom suggested that I take this opportunity to share one her holiday recipes for a Cheese and Bacon Quick Bread which is fairly easy.  This is a very rich recipe so Mom saves it for the holidays and other special occassions as a treat for my Dad.  Cheese and bacon are two of his very favorite food items! I haven't been able to score any bacon around this house but I do get the occasional tidbit of cheese now and I agree with my Dad that it's quite a tasty treat. This bread packs and keeps very well so it is great for bringing along to a party when you're a guest.  It also makes for a great appetizer or dinner accompaniment when you're hosting.


Well that's the last I have to report for 2017.  I am very grateful for a great year that's passed and I am so very much looking forward to an awesome 2018.  I wish all of you the very, very best new year ahead!!!!  May it be filled with much peace, love and happiness!!!!  Stay warm out there and let's all hope for somewhat less bitter conditions as this Winter season progresses!  Please also be careful as you travel to and fro for your New Year's festivities!!!!  Happy and healthy 2018 Everyone!!!!

With much love and sloppy puppy kisses,

Piper, the Rescue Mutt

P.S. Don't forget that you can follow me on Facebook and Instagram (which you can also reach by clicking the pic below).

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Bill DeBoer

Written by Bill DeBoer

William J. DeBoer is the Visionary at DeBoer’s Auto. As the company’s CEO, Bill has been responsible for bringing innovations in daily operations to the full-service, high-tech auto repair facility for 20+ years. Passionate about computers from an early age, Bill’s interest in technology gravitated to cars while he was in college. By obtaining a Certificate in Automotive Technology followed by a B.S. in Business Management from Penn State, Bill was able to fuse his interests into a car technology specialization and join the family business shortly thereafter.