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(973)529-836083 State Route 23 NorthHamburg, NJ 07419
3 min read

Keep Your Vehicle Moving...

By Bill DeBoer Jr on Apr 15, 2020 8:30:00 AM


Right now we are all under the governors orders to stay at home. That in turn means that you are most likely not traveling the roads and there is probably a good chance your vehicle has not been moved in a few weeks. We can not stress enough how important to keep your car moving.


Cars are not meant to be parked. They are meant to be moving. There are problems that can creep up on your vehicle if it sits for an extended period of time, particularly when there has been a lot of rain, like we have experienced this spring. 


The brakes can rust up. If the vehicle isn’t moving and the brakes are not being operated to clean off those rust spots, more rust can build up.  As rust is invasive, this can cause your brakes to perform improperly, resulting in a safety concern.

Topics: Keep your vehicle moving