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(973)529-836083 State Route 23 NorthHamburg, NJ 07419
4 min read

Summer and Ice Cream a Perfect Combination

By Bill DeBoer Jr on Jul 25, 2020 12:15:00 PM

On a hot summer day, there is NOTHING better than some delicious and fresh ice cream. We are extremely fond of the ice cream man. The sound of that distinctive jingle as he's making his way around the bend. Scurrying to collect some cash to be ready to place your order. Colleen has been spending some of her summer quarantine time perfecting some yummyness of her own. She's been giving her new Kitchen Aide ice cream attachment a good work out and perfecting the chocolate recipe. Meanwhile across the county Randy gave his own Kitchen Aide some love with some fresh strawberries. Let us know which one is your favorite. As you can see, Jameson is partial to his mom's Chocolate. Ah to be a kid again!


¾ cup sugar  

1 cup milk  

¼ teaspoon salt  

Topics: Ice Cream Recipe