Everyone needs to take a summer road trip occasionally. If nothing else, seeing new things along the way can keep you entertained as you make your way to your destination. However, anyone with kids knows their attention span may not last as long as the road trip itself, so you need to have some fun games and activities to do along the way. We’ve got five fun road trip games you can play this summer to keep your kids entertained and also keep the adults in the vehicle engaged as well.
Punch Buggy
Punch Buggy is a good game to play if you have older kids in the vehicle. As you’re looking on the road, search for Volkswagen Bug vehicles. When you see one, you reach over and punch the person next to you in the arm and yell “punch buggy.” Just be careful not to get too excited and swing your arm a little too hard where you could hurt someone.
Another classic car game is the license plate game. Look at the license plates of all the vehicles you pass and write down all the states you see on a piece of paper. This is a game that can last the duration of the road trip and keep everyone engaged by offering some type of reward or prize for the person who writes down the most states.
Scavenger Hunt (Roadside Bingo)
The scavenger hunt game, or roadside bingo, takes a little preparation time before the trip. Think of all the possible things you could see on your trip and make bingo cards for everyone in the vehicle. These could be things like windmills, lakes, specific retail stores, animals, certain vehicles and more. Having a prize for the winner will help all participants stay engaged throughout the trip.
Name Game
This game is played by connecting the first initial of a famous person with another famous person and you keep taking turns with everyone in the car until the volley stops. It’s best to play this game with older kids so it can last longer.
The Quiet Game
Sometimes parents with a vehicle full of kids need to make a great incentive for anyone who wins the quiet game. If you’ve never played this game before, the rules are simple. Everyone in the car is quiet and the first person who talks loses. The success rate for parents with this game varies, but during a long trip it’s worth a try.
Everyone at DeBoer’s Auto loves taking summer road trips with their loved ones. We can help make your trip memorable as well by getting your vehicle inspected to ensure no major issues will occur. These road trip games should make your drive much smoother. And if all else fails, you can sing the classic car song of 99 bottles of beer on the road with everyone in the vehicle. Visit our website or contact us today for more summertime activities to consider this year.