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(973)529-836083 State Route 23 NorthHamburg, NJ 07419

You have decided it is time to replace your vehicle, and you are looking for a good value in your next vehicle purchase. You have done some research and found Honda embodies reliability, style and longevity in the car market. You are still facing the challenge of many options when financing a used Honda car. You want to be sure you get the best value. The friendly, professional staff at DeBoer’s Auto is here to help.

Find the right fit

We understand that value is different for every customer. Your credit history, current income and expenses, and future plans all play a part in what your ideal financing package will look like. We will help you look at:

  • Your current vehicle needs
  • Your current credit score
  • Your ideal monthly commitment
  • The incentive programs being offered by our competitors
  • The broad range of financing available from our trusted network of
    financing companies

Getting All the Information

Exploring this process, you will find that the incentives for financing a used Honda car offered by dealerships may not save you as much money as one of our regular rate loans on a lower priced vehicle. You will find that even with limited credit, our finance partners can help you get a reasonable rate to meet your vehicle needs, and keep your payments within your budget. As your sales person walks you through all your options, you will have confidence you have as much information as you need, in language you understand, to make the right decision for you.

We pride ourselves on our reputation for serving our customer’s needs: in servicing their vehicles, and in the sales process. Our 45% referral and repeat business rate lets us know we’re doing a good job, and can help you decide if our family business is a good fit for you. Stop by, or call us today to see if DeBoer’s may have the best options for financing a used Honda car to meet your needs.

5-Certified-Honda-Buying-QuestionsCheck out our eBook
10 Questions To Ask Before You Buy A Car 

or download our
5 Certified Honda Car Buying Tips 

Download 5 Certified  Honda Car Buying Tips

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Bill DeBoer

Written by Bill DeBoer

William J. DeBoer is the Visionary at DeBoer’s Auto. As the company’s CEO, Bill has been responsible for bringing innovations in daily operations to the full-service, high-tech auto repair facility for 20+ years. Passionate about computers from an early age, Bill’s interest in technology gravitated to cars while he was in college. By obtaining a Certificate in Automotive Technology followed by a B.S. in Business Management from Penn State, Bill was able to fuse his interests into a car technology specialization and join the family business shortly thereafter.