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The winter season is in full swing so you don’t want to get caught off guard during the next winter storm. Preparing your car is one of the most important things you can do so you can keep your day-to-day life moving as smoothly as possible. There are a few things you should remember to do every time you park your vehicle so you don’t have issues the next morning. Consider these best practices and you’ll be prepared for the next winter storm.

Park Your Car Strategically

If you have a garage you can park your vehicle in, you can avoid just about every issue associated with a winter storm. So that’s the number one best practice to do if possible. But if you don’t have a garage or if it’s junked up with so many things that you can’t pull your vehicle in, then there are other tips to consider. Think about the next morning when parking your car and you want to park it in a way that’s easy to maneuver. Know where the snow humps will be from the snow plowing and point the car in the right direction so you don’t have to turn the wheel as much when getting out of your driveway.

Turn Off The Wipers Before Turning Off Your Vehicle

wipers snowIt’s critical to ensure your wipers are turned off before parking and exiting the vehicle. If you leave your wipers on when you turn the vehicle off, the next morning when you turn it on, the wipers will start moving and likely break. An even better tip is to put the wipers in an upright position after you’ve parked so they won’t get stuck to the windshield and it will make for easier cleaning of the windshield in the morning.

Set Your HVAC Into A Mixed Position

Before you turn your vehicle off, consider setting your HVAC to a mixed position. It’s tempting to put it on full heat to defrost the glass and warm your vehicle quicker. However, the problem is the big temperature difference with the icy glass and the hot air blowing on it can crack the windshield. Slowly defrosting the windshield by setting the air temperature between the cold and hot settings is ideal and worth the extra time it might take to fully defrost it.

DeBoer’s Auto is here to help you get through the winter season with minimal issues concerning your vehicle. Preparation is key to avoiding a lot of problems, and we have plenty of winter weather tips to consider. Don’t hesitate to contact us at any time if you have questions or if we can help in any way.


Bill DeBoer Jr

Written by Bill DeBoer Jr