There is a lot of information to sort through when you set out to buy tires for a vehicle. Purchasing used can be less expensive than new, but the problem with buying used tires is determining just how old they are. Fortunately, this task has been made easier by the Tire Identification Number. Vehicles have an identification number, which as the name implies, identifies a specific vehicle. Tires are also stamped with an identification number to tell consumers when they were manufactured. This information can be important when buying used tires.
How to Determine the Age of a Tire
Since 2000, the United States Department of Transportation requires manufacturers to brand the Tire Identification Number into the sidewall all tires, where it is easily visible. The last four digits of this number indicate the week and the year the tire came off the production line. For example, if the last four numbers are 4808 the tire was manufactured during the 48th week of 2008.
What About Tires Manufactured Prior to 2000?
Tires made before 2000 also have a tire identification number contained in the last three digits. Two digits are still used to inform what week a tire was made; but it is followed by a single digit to indicate the year. For example, the last three digits of an ID number might read 328. This indicates the tire was manufactured the 32nd week of 1998. Because it was a common belief tires would only be in service for 10 years, the 8 in this example represents the eighth year of the present decade. There have been many safety concerns with used tires since some businesses sell inferior tires that look fine but are no longer reliable because they are more than five years old to begin with.
Are There Warranties for Tires If You Buy Them Used?
It is important to retain sales receipts when purchasing tires, whether they are used or new. A manufacturer typically covers their tires for four years from the date of purchase and honors this warranty based on the week the tires were finished. For example, if you purchase a set of tires this week, they are covered for four years starting now – as long as you have the receipt. If you fail to keep the receipt to prove the date of the initial purchase, the manufacturer will honor warranties for tires up to five years from the date contained in the identification number.
Please contact us before buying used tires to put on your vehicle. We will be glad to answer any questions you may have and help you select the best, safest tires for your vehicle.