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(973)529-836083 State Route 23 NorthHamburg, NJ 07419



This October during breast cancer awareness month, we are proud to partner with the Bright Pink to provide women tools for detection and prevention of breast cancer. Every 3 check-ins will help provide 1 woman access to a breast cancer risk assessment. Bright Pink is a national non-profit focused on saving young women’s lives through the prevention and early detection of breast and ovarian cancer. Bright Pink’s innovative programs educate and equip young women and their doctors to assess their risk for breast and ovarian cancer, reduce their risk, and detect these diseases at early, non-life-threatening stages. If you want to learn more about Bright Pink, you can check them out at https://www.brightpink.org/. The hashtag this month is #breastcancerawareness. Thanks for checking in for women’s health!


P.S. If you haven't heard of Causely, here's how it works... Causely makes a donation to a great cause every time people check-in at our location. To learn more about Causely visit causely.com/our-good.





Bill DeBoer Jr

Written by Bill DeBoer Jr